Logo Enhance Your Classified Newspaper Ad!
Advertise your item's web address so your customers can see what they are buying. A single page ad is $25 for the first month, plus $15 for each additional month.

     Use these instructions if you would prefer to e-mail us an electronic image of your item:

  1. Obtain an electronic image of your item by scanning a photo, digital camera, or Kodak's Picture Disk. Save the image in the .JPG file format, and keep the image's screen resolution around 640 x 480 pixels and file size under 50 KB.

  2. Send your item's .JPG image as an e-mail attachment to

  3. Figure out how many months you would like to advertise your item, and make out a check payable to Donna O. Kaucher for the correct amount. The cost is $25 for the first month, plus $15 for each additional month. Write the name of your .JPG file on your check.

  4. Put the check into an envelope and mail to:

    Donna O. Kaucher
    2736 Bodder Road
    Riegelsville, PA 18077

    We will post your picture as soon as we receive your payment.

  5. Click here to fill out our customer form and complete the application process.